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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Move Out Of The Way And Know That I AM

Dear Beloved,
Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Sometimes it is so hard to believe in yourself, in things, in people, in anything.  Sometimes we are stuck in what we cannot do and not conscious of what we can do.  Why is it so hard to believe?  For some people belief means trust and there is none. For other people belief means work and they are physically and emotionally tired and feel as though they have nothing more to give.  For some people belief means letting go of the past, but we can’t because it has wounded us in some way and we think we need it like a child needs a security blanket.  We need that hurt because it allows us to keep our guards up and to be shielded from that hurt again.
If we can move out of our own way we may be able gain some of that happiness that is our right to have.  Have you ever noticed that the people that are helping other people get better are not well themselves?  I have.  It is their imperfections that allow them to be able to see yours, it is their likeness to you that allows them to see that thing that you  think is so well hidden.  We have heard so many times that if you live in a glass house that you should not throw stones.  I disagree with that.  I believe that if you live in a glass house you should throw all of the stones that you can so that maybe someone will throw one back and break you free.  LIVE, LIVE, LIVE, LIVE, LIVE.  It is easier said then done and I know this about as well as anyone else, but you have to live.  You have to put yourself out into the world for failure and for praise.  You cannot worry about the rise of those who you believe are your enemies.  You don’t know what sacrifice they had to make to get what they have.  The great I AM works through people and he cannot work through you if you are stuck on self.  If he cannot work through you he cannot work for you, so you have to open up and you have to allow yourself to be used, to be used by the power of the great I AM and not by other people.  The key is being able to listen to that inner voice and know the difference between the voice of greatness and the voice of fear.  Fear is a thief and a robber.
Today be bold and ask the great I AM to guide you where you are supposed to be.  Ask that your path be made straight and clear and that you do not error along the way.  Those who ask are sure to receive.  Those who never ask will never know the feeling of redemption or the pride in being fulfilled by the gift of prayer.

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