Dear Beloved,
Today is the day that I AM has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. I love King David. I love his mind, his faith, his courage, his belief and his strength. I aspire to be like King David in all that I admire in him.
My religious teaching span across several different beliefs ranging from Judaism to Islam. Often if we look closely enough we will find that the there is not a great deal of difference in religions. The one thing that I have taken from just about every religion that I have chosen to study is that we as people must have a high opinion of ourselves. The great I AM works through us no matter what our beliefs, no matter what we call him or her, no matter how long we have been part of the religion and no matter what our title within the religion. Having a high opinion of yourself does not mean that you look down at others or that you are better than others. It means just the opposite. It means that your opinion of self is so high that you recognize the power within and therefore you are able to assist others without a second thought. Sometimes we are our toughest persecutors. Having a high opinion of oneself does not mean that you may not falter, fail, disappoint, forget, yell scream or cuss. What it does mean is that you are conscious that you did it and you are forgiving enough of yourself to know that even you deserve a 2nd chance.
Today at work I was asked to complete an evaluation of myself. It took me forever to do this evaluation because I kept thinking about how other’s would answer the question pertaining to me. The evaluation instructions did not ask me to evaluate me based on what I think others will say about me, but it did ask me what I would say about me. One hour later (it was only six questions) when I came to my senses and remembered my teaching and was able to be both honest and fair with myself. I was able to think highly of my self, but not more highly then I should and when I completed the survey I was elated by the results.
Today I learned that it is ok to be like King David and to encourage yourself, promote yourself, blow your own horn, give yourself big-ups and most of all tell yourself, “servant well done.
“David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” I Samuel 30:6
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