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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Liar's Game

Dear Beloved,
Have you ever met a person where you question every word that falls off their lips?  If you have not keep living, but if you have I would like to ask you how you dealt with that person?  Did you just let them lie all the time?  Did you let them know you knew that they were lying? Did you break ties with them?  What did you do?
Me? Well, I have no tolerance for BS, so I let them know that I knew that they were lying.  I asked questions that would make them tell the truth or make them wonder how I knew something.  I just don’t see the point of having a liar for a friend.  Every word?  Come on.  There has to be some room for the truth in there.  Some people want others to believe that they have the inside scoop.  Some want to be liked, so they make it seem as though they are privy to information that other’s don’t have.  Some just lie for no reason at all.  Whatever the reason, how much of a tolerance should we have?  I say zero.  We all are going to fall prey to the liar’s game at some point, but we need real people in our mist that will not tolerate it.  This will spark our to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  
What do you think about lying by omission? I think it’s still a lie.  If you purposely choose to withhold information that to me is still a lie.  You do not have to bare your truth to every person that presumes to know you and that is why we must know what spirits we are entertaining.  There is nothing wrong with being a private person just as there is nothing wrong with being a public person.  There is something wrong with not knowing what type of person you are or want to be. I’m secretive, but I realize that some secrets are lies too.  What do we do with those? Do what you feel.  Come clean or don’t but if the secret causes you to lie then what?  

Sometimes a person can tell the difference between the truth and a lie while we think we are getting away with murder.  Wouldn't it be grand to just spill the beans and give no power to the undeserving? 
There is always room for growth in our private and professional lives, so we can choose the day to come clean or we can choose the day to stay just as we are and with either choice we have to know that there are a set of circumstances that come with it.
Go forward.

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