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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Imagine That

Dear Beloved, 
Has there ever been something that changed your life; a movie, a book, a person, or even an incident?  Those moments come far and few in between, but they do come.  What do you do when they show up?  Do you take them and work with them at that moment or do you hold onto them as life changing moments forever?  I am great when I am in the moment, but once the moment passes it seems that there are other things that replace it as more important and the moment becomes theirs.  How do we stay in that one moment that meant so much to us?  That one moment that we thought was life changing?  How do we hold on to that great feeling of change?
The answer is within.  Change can only happen if you allow it to happen.  In other words you have to do something to cause the change.  If we do something within the change and it continues to bring healthy, happy change then we will hold onto that moment and it will become part of our everyday life.  Once we have mastered the change we will be where we wanted to be the moment that we realized that the change was in fact possible.  
Change is scary for lots of people and it is challenging and sometimes change is associated with bad instead of good and people don’t give it a chance.  Well, my theory has always been that fear is a thief and a robber.  It has been during the times of fear that I have missed my greatest opportunities.  Sometimes, those opportunities come back around and sometimes they do not.  They say you only live once, if that is true don’t you want to live each day as if it is your last?  I do.  I want to live without regret. Some will say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one...I know that anything is possible if you just imagine, believe and move toward it.
Let us pray that the power of imagination lead and guide us to the right places in life and that our wisdom allows us the ability to make the best decisions possible.

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